Monday, December 15, 2008

This is a post dedicated to my feathered friends... enjoy!! click on the pic to enlarge it.)

this is some kind of wild bird.... beautiful beautiful. anyway it was sitting on annies porch and i walked up to it and i got it to perch on my finger, then on my shoulder, and it eventually flew off.
robin in our yard

"bug off short stuff!"

homing pijjies
more homing pigeons

the doves... gotta love these guys. I got within touching distance of this one. she is sitting on two babies in this pic. Doves are awsome. I already crawled up a tree and petted one on the back for several minutes before she knew what was up. There very trusting, and you can go within touching distance in a matter of ten minutes. really fun. obtw this is what i do when the rest of you guys are out there shooting them. :D. I dont shoot doves. squirrels, rabbits, deer, sure. but not doves.
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alright ttyl guys, i needa get back to my schoolwork.

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