Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm lovin my job right now.
I get such a kick out of these friendly old black ladies. they laugh when i mess up and crack jokes. totally makes my day.

Names I have been called at market: (ya just gotta love these ppl.)
babe, baby, babycakes, sweetcakes, honey, sugar, sir, my boy, sweetheart, and(this is the winner) my love. except when the lady said it, it sounded more like mah luv. ("Dass ok mahluv Dass alraht.) lordy lordy. but its a totally different culture... totally.

I ate the most wonderfullest things today. I bout this loaf of really tough Italian bread and dipped it in this Cajun sea food soup with rice and tomatoes and peppers and carrots and the works. yessiree "this is the life."

I met a really cool guy at market today. We were both at the coffe shop and bread place at the same time and coincidentally (or not) went to sit at the same place to eat. So he talked to me for a bout a half hour. (note I said he talked to me I could hardly get a word in edgewise. lol.) He is a doctor who is originally from Germany. And he gets a high out of working in the emergency room and seeing spilled guts. He calls open heart surgury "fascinating." He has been dead twice in his life (why does that sound so funny?) once from a hockey accident and once because of open heart surgury. We talked about his life, my life, education, and advancements in the medical field (ok ok it sounds geeky i know :) and i enjoyed it, but i think he enjoyed it more cuz he acted like the kind of person who needed someone to spout off to.

life is good,

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